Thursday, October 1, 2009

My Ultimate Dream

by Lakatia Braynen age 21

Many people have dreams and aspirations that they never have an opportunity to fulfill. However, because of God's goodness, I was given the opportunity to fulfill my dream.
September 7th 1997, was the day I began to fulfill my ultimate dream. Since I was a little girl, I've wanted to be a teacher. However I didn't realize what all it entailed. I soon came to realize that what I faced, only determination, persistence and stickability could prepare me for and take me through.

One year after I began my college journey at College of the Bahamas in Freeport I had to move to the Nassau campus in order to complete my degree. This was a challenge for me, because it meant moving away from my family and friends for the first time ever. However, I had a dream that I wanted to fulfill so I had to make the sacrifice.

As with anything in life, during my college experience, there were good times and bad. I learned that whenever there are bad times, the reward is that much greater. Also many of my weak points were strengthened and I discovered many gifts and talents, I didn't know I possessed.
How did I make it? One may ask. Philippians 4:13 states, " I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me." Without God, I would not have made it.

I would encourage all you young ladies who have dreams that you want to fulfill to "GO FOR IT!" If I can so can you. No it is not going to be easy, but at the end of it all a reward awaits you. When I look back and see what I have accomplished I have no regrets and I'm thankful that I didn't give up. Today, after four years of study, I can happily say that I have fulfilled my ultimate dream- I am a primary school teacher.

June/August 2002

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