Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Let's Talk About It

by B. McIntosh

"Fifteen years old Aleisha ran tearfully to her room and slammed the door. "Mommy just doesn't understand!" she thought to herself. I'll be the only one at the party dressed like a dweeb. Aleisha had dressed excitedly for her party. However her mother had not been impressed with her choice of clothes. She gave Aleisha the ultimatum, change or stay home.

The teen years are emotional years for young ladies. You are going through a lot of changes. You no longer see yourself as a "child" and yet you're not quite an adult. At this time you want your parents to stop treating you as if you were a little girl and consider your point of view.

Many like Aliesha, experience some form of conflict with their parents. Sometimes in the heat of anger words are said and feelings are hurt.

When you are able to communicate openly with your parents, (without anger) it's easier to tell them how you feel. At some point your parents may surprise you and rethink their position or, surprise, surprise, maybe you'll rethink yours. Stranger things have happen.

Conflicts, parental or otherwise are a part of life. There will always be people with whom you disagree and who disagrees with you. There are times when you may be able to reason with the person and arrive at some form of compromise. Unfortunately, sometimes you may find yourself in a no win situation. At times like that it may be easier to just walk away. There is no point in fighting a losing battle.

Do remember however, that anger is usually greeted with anger and a soft answer turns away wrath.

March/May 2001

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