Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Are You Cool or a Fool?

by Shantel Hield

Tonya and Michelle were offered a drink at a party they attended. Michelle refused but Tonya decided to give it a try. "After all what harm can one drink do," she thought to herself. However two hours later she was still drinking. Let's listen in on Tonya and Michelle's conversation.
Tonya - Girl you have to get a sip of this!
Michelle -You know I don't drink.
Tonya - Too bad, this drink is the bomb!
Michelle -What is it?
Tonya - I don't know, but it sure tastes good.
Michelle-You really shouldn't be drinking that. You've had four drinks already.
Tonya - Girl chill out! I feel good and I just want to party, besides, everyone's doing it.

Have you experienced this scene before? If so were you more like Michelle or Tonya? Unfortunately, for many teenage girls the idea of being cool in the eyes of their friend is a number one priority. Consequently, if drinking alcohol makes them popular they are hip to the idea of drinking. They do not think that they can actually become alcoholics.

However, who expects to become an alcoholic? Well, think again! A journey of a million miles begins with one step. That first drink you sip can take you on a road that destroys your future. Alcohol is addictive and habit forming. You don't need to try it to see if you like it. You may like the taste but you won't like the affect it has on your life. I love chocolate, however I don't like what it does to my complexion. Translation, you may like the taste of alcohol but you won't like the effect it has on your life.

You are a beautiful young lady. Why would you want to be associated with something that kills, destroys and humiliates? "How?" you ask. Well first it kills. It kills your personality. You are no longer yourself and no one wants to be around a drunk.

Second it damages. It damages your body. You are no longer healthy and energetic.

Last it humiliates; it humiliates you and your family. When you drink you can't walk straight and you can hardly string two words together. How cool is that?

Don't kid yourself! Drinking is not cool. In fact, alcohol simply makes you act like a fool. Knowing whom you are and what you stand for, that's cool!

Dec '01/Feb '02

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